Ready for a strong start in
oligo manufacturing?
Are you interested in manufacturing your own oligonucleotide therapeutics but don’t know how to start? Or are you already manufacturing your own oligos but are running into challenges? If so, we can help.
Antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs), small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), or other oligonucleotide variants, hold a lot of promise for therapeutics. Because of their high specificity, oligonucleotides are likely to become key therapeutics for treating rare diseases, cancers, genetic diseases, and other previously untreatable conditions. They’re also used in applications such as CRISPR-mediated gene editing.
If you’re just starting out, consider using the ÄKTA oligosynt™ oligonucleotide synthesizer. It’s a small-scale synthesizer well-suited for research and process development.
Manufacturing your own oligos gives you greater control over your processes and costs, but it’s not without its hiccups. We can help banish those hiccups. Whether it’s synthesis, filtration, or purification, we have supporting solutions for all scales.
Fill in the form to learn more about the ÄKTA oligosynt™ system or to discuss your needs with one of our specialists.
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