The ligand thiol coupling approach introduces reactive disulfide groups into the dextran matrix on the sensor chip. Coupling occurs through thiol-disulfide exchange with native or introduced thiol groups on the ligand.
Ligand thiol coupling relies on thiol-disulfide exchange between a native or introduced thiol group in the ligand and a reactive disulfide on the sensor chip surface. The disulfide group is introduced to the surface via amine coupling of 2-(2-pyridinyldithio)ethaneamine (PDEA).
After immobilization of ligand, excess reactive groups are deactivated with cysteine/NaCl. This approach should be used with care if the analyte requires reducing conditions.
Ligand thiol coupling chemistry
The general pattern of steps involved in immobilizing ligand is the same for essentially all covalent immobilization methods:
There may be additional steps depending on the properties of the ligand, the type of sensor surface and the details of the chemistry used.
Lab procedure Ligand thiol coupling to Biacore sensor chips is available for download on
Thiol coupling can help to immobilize ligands in a defined orientation, since the there are often fewer potential attachment sites than with amine coupling, and in many cases is reduced to one single site. Thiol coupling can also be a valuable approach if the ligand is inactivated by amine coupling as a result of the presence of an active amine group in the analyte binding site. Surface thiol coupling, where active disulfide groups are introduced on to the ligand molecule, is also valuable for acidic proteins, since the introduction of reactive disulfides by substitution of carboxyl groups with PDEA raises the isoelectric point of the protein, improving the electrostatic pre-concentration properties.
One approach to thiol coupling utilizes exchange reactions between thiols and active disulfide groups. The active disulfide moiety may be introduced either on the dextran matrix (to exchange with a thiol group on the ligand, referred to as the ligand thiol approach) or on the ligand molecule (to exchange with a thiol group introduced on the dextran matrix, referred to as the surface thiol approach).
Lab procedure Surface thiol coupling of ligand to Biacore sensor chips is available for download on
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Repellendus aliquid tempore natus voluptates repudiandae, eos dolorem libero inventore, quod incidunt, asperiores. Reiciendis itaque enim pariatur, blanditiis minima autem quo a nulla, obcaecati quis, excepturi atque ab rerum! Sequi molestias vel eum, hic, perspiciatis eius suscipit reprehenderit molestiae vitae similique.
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